Monday, October 26, 2015

Life's Lessons Are HARD! But Worth It!

People not keeping commitments... I feel like learning this is good training for being a dad.  For example, "Yes, I'll clean my bedroom."   -How many times have I heard that???

"Less rain this week" Well that's good to know, I've been worried that they would get a lot of rain on the outskirts of Hurricane Patricia in Mexico this week!

"I'm getting pretty pro."  There's the old Bailey! He is a master chef you know. Just kind of sad that I have to wait 663 days for him to make me some!

And how CUTE is his new friend? I want to squish her cheeks!

I feel like not being able to talk to people around you is another life lesson. I am always saying, "No one listens to the blonde chick!"  Although the people around me can hear me and understand me they are usually NOT listening. So I think if I were there in his situation I would probably be rambling on with no one understanding and it would be normal for me... who am I kidding? I would not like that at all!  Here's hoping the gift of tongues can make it's way to Elder Holmes in El Salvador soon.

So does anyone else think we are not getting enough information here?  One measly little paragraph is NOT enough for this missionary mom!  If he were here I would follow him around and pester him until he talked to me (no that didn't work when he was home either)!

Please send up a prayer, fast a little, and send my greenie missionary a little note when you can!

-Bailey's mom

My New Friend & I'm Getting Pretty Pro... at Making Papusas!

Hi Everyone,

I swear no one here can follow our commitments! They don't understand what they reject. Less rain this week so that was good. I love the members here! One family taught us how to make papusas. I am getting pretty pro. We made like 30 or more papusas. Spanish is getting better but I can only teach the gospel. I can't talk to people about normal stuff. I love that you guys are all hanging out. I am so jelous that you all get to hang out with Joey.
I love you all! 
My new friend

A member taught us how to make papusas

Monday, October 19, 2015

2 Months Down, 22 To Go...

Finally!  He answered a question I asked him!  His pillowcase IS ruined... don't worry I bought him another one, now he just has to wait the ridiculous amount of weeks that it takes the postal system to get it to him.  Guess I should send him a nice rain poncho too. Note to self: don't send hot chocolate in his Christmas package.

Love & Prayers,
Bailey's mom

It's Raining, It's Pouring, It's 1 Million Degrees... Hot Chocolate Anyone?

It has been raining like crazy here! The first day I was here my umbrella was stolen and my other one broke on Monday. Lets just say I have been soaked all week. Lots of lessons and lots of bus rides. The members here are awesome! They would all do anything for us. I wish the people we teach could understand how important the restored gospel is for their salvation.
I swear everyone here drinks hot chocolate even when it is 1 million degrees outside. I am working hard and trying to have faith.
I love you all.

My pillowcase is ruined!

Monday, October 12, 2015

Things That Make You Go Hmmm....

OK, so by now you know I'm quite random with a dab of crazy (maybe more than a dab)...  anyway Madi sent me this pic that Bailey sent her last week:

"I just found this picture that he sent last week!  What the heck!  Is that his kitchen?!?!" -Madi
What the heck is right! Yes, yes I think this IS the kitchen.... hmmmm.
Also, we need some divorces & marriages then we'll get some baptisms????  hmmmm?
And then... two million dogs in the street that love to chase them? Is there enough room in El Salvador for two million dogs?  Hopefully I don't have to go down there to kick a dogs face for biting my son! Are there dog tazers? Is it ok to send a dog tazer to a missionary?  hmmmmm.
Saving the best for last... "The church is true!"  I LOVE to hear the testimonies of my children (nothing better)! And then the pics... that cute smiling face (Madi Approves)!  hmmmm ;)
Oh wait... one more; an excerpt from his email to me:  "when I am sweating my eyes out and walking for miles and miles I don't really have time to be sad."   It's hard to think of my boy being sad, but also, can you sweat your eyes out?  Is it possible?   hmmmm.

Lastly, make sure you check out Madi's blog  (  because apparently he sends her more pics and more info than he sends me!   hmmmmm.
Love that boy!  #tendermercy
-Bailey's mom

Marriage, Divorce, and Two Million Stray Dogs!

(Elder Markham & I)
 This week has gone by so slow but so fast! The work here is going alright. We had to drop a family this week cause they dont keep commitments and it was super sad. I wish these people knew what they were denying! We need to get a few divorces and then a few marrigaes and we will have some baptisms. It is really hard and expensive to get divorced here but the Lord will help us.
   This country is so crazy! There are about two million stray dogs in the streets and they love to chase us! The people are so kind but they dont want to live the commandments. They all say they have a church then when we ask which one they just say a random church that they don't actually attend.
   I hope you are all doing good back home! I love you all so much and miss you! It is really hard to be here but I know it will get better. The church is true!

- Elder Holmes


Monday, October 5, 2015

That's My Boy!

I was VERY glad to hear from my boy today! You can't imagine how happy it made me that he sent pictures (finally got his camera back)! With only 4 pictures, you can imagine how many times I looked at every detail; for example his new bed room... What the heck is up with his pillow?  At first I thought, oh my I hope that is his companion's pillow it looks like a small animal was slaughtered on that thing. Then after some reflection I remembered that we all wrote notes all over his pillow case with permanent marker that was obviously NOT permanent (Note to self... send Bailey a new pillow case)!  Then I notice the mosquito net over Elder Markham's bed and I think, 'didn't we get him a net?' and then I remember he couldn't find the one he wanted (so next note to self... put a net in the pillow case when I send it)! And then there is the mold on the bottom of the wall by the door (do they have Clorox there? Can you send Clorox in the mail?)  Of course the BEST part of the pic is my little big Elder with a real smile, taking a new room selfie looking healthy and happy and that makes my heart beyond glad!

Since he is a man of few words, I am trying to imagine his interview with President Vasquez. Two different languages and Bailey who isn't a big fan of being interrogated, luckily he is awesome and has his dad's charisma so I'm sure the President loves him (but not as much as we do), and I bet he is just as witty in Spanish as he is in English (oh that kid)!

And then, 'my first companion is white.'  WHAT? LOL! I have chosen to believe that what he meant was that he was glad his first companion speaks English... ha! I sure would like to know where in Northern America Elder Markham is from.  When I first looked at Elder Markham's pic I thought 'is he on a cell phone?'  Yup, he is!

I LOVE that a member cooks for them, that fact is good for a mom's heart.  Hopefully Bailey will share his culinary skills with them sometime as well.

I am glad he has a good trainer, that he loves to teach, and that Madi helped him get ready for his two year hike-a-thon!

By the way...  683 days and we'll have that kid back home so we can hug him and pester him with a thousand questions that he will not want to answer... but I hope he will.  Love that kid (yes, he will always be a kid to me)!

-Bailey's mom

El Salvador, Week 1... My New Companion is White!

Hi Family!

This week has been crazy! I just slept the whole bus ride from the MTC so nothing cool there. President Vasquez is so funny! He cant really speak English so our interview was interesting.
I am glad you are all spending time together. I miss you guys and I wish I could spend time with you all.
My first companion is Elder Markham and he is white. It was such a relief when I got a North American trainer. My first area is Santo Thomas, it is super safe and we have a member that cooks every meal for us. This place is very different but I like it. The people here are super humble and love missionaries. I taught my first lesson Wednesday and I realized I don't really know Spanish as well as I thought I did. We taught the Familia Ortiz and it was super hard cause only their son could read. I don't even know how many lessons I have taught now but I am getting better. We teach and hike all day. Thank you Madi for conditioning me to hike so much! There is lots of work here to be done.
I love you all. Have a good week.

Elder Holmes

And because Madi is awesome like that... she sent a excerpt from her Elder Holmes email:

This week has been really hard but really fun! It is super fun to teach! I love to teach but it is hard when you dont know much Spanish. The people here are amazing and so humble. My companion is really great at teaching and we are always on the move! I promise I am being safe and that you don't have anything to worry about. My house is alright but it is pretty dirty. The shower is luke warm if that counts for anything. We teach lots of families that really do want to be together forever.
The pictures came with no captions... I am hoping this is NOT his front porch. I wondered if it was a window, but there is no window frame... also wondering if the cistern on the roof with the hose coming down is his shower..  things that make you go hmmm

At first I thought this might be his new companion, but no, it's just a tiny lizard.... in the house!

So this must be the new companion... Elder Markham.

Thursday, October 1, 2015

Mom's Need to Know!

I was so glad to get this letter and pics of my boy!  I was hoping they would let him call me to tell me he made it on Tuesday... it's Thursday!  Thank goodness for faith (how would we survive without it?)! 
I am laughing about his "smile", it reminds me of the pictures I took of him pre-Madi.  I am glad she is a photographer and a blogger, without her I wouldn't have any real smile pictures of him this past year.
Still not sure if his P Day will be on Monday, but I am looking forward to hearing his adventures over the past week.

-Bailey's mom

Looks Like He Made It (yes, I'm singing it)...

A letter from the new family...

Dear Family Holmes

It is a privilege and a great blessing to have your child in our mission,
thanks for the sacrifices they make to give the best of his life to the Lord and
his beautiful Missionary Work which will prepare the Second Coming of Our
Salvador, we know that they will find and we are the elect

eager to help them develop their potential.

We want to support them with their prayers and advice in this beautiful stage
their lives and know that they are the Lord at this time.

We are Missionaries of Jesus Christ and in Preach My Gospel and its
Authority convert, baptize and retain.

With President and Sister Love Vasquez
Yay for translator!